We still have a positive and positive attitude towards this series of videos as ws number list it touches on some really important propositions. Its huge amount of dissemination confirms that the image of this ancient building captures a certain common feeling of us, that is, modern ws number list society and urban residents.
Whether or not Mr. Tfue's state (true or false) is sufficient to qualify as what ws number list Heidegger calls a "poetic dwelling", he at least hits us with a special "nostalgia" (nostalgia) —— For the tired, anxious, and dazed people living in the steel forest, this man who works ws number list silently is at least engaged in a real "job". He produces something that persists, not something that is ws number list consumed in some endless and void consumption cycle.
With his bare feet on the ground and his hands touching the solid and flat walls, a ws number list beautiful "artificial object" appeared in nature through the long-term scorching sun, and over time, the building also It will continue to exist, even if it is damaged or collapsed, but at least one recognizable ws number list ruin will remain...