Imagine someone sends you a job offer. Specialist sought for strategic target audience research, message and content creation and media planning. Ideal candidate for Banner Design measuring success using campaign KPIs, including conversions and content reach. If you're an SEO reading this, you probably qualify. We identify audiences, create cohort analyses, and generate content that initiates action or behavior. The following lines from the post read: Must have experience in disinformation. Job requires you to be in flight. Must have advanced training at Fort Bragg. Oh? This Banner Design is not SEO work. This is ELI5 for Psychological Operations… The military conveys selected information and indicators to the public to influence their emotions, motivations, and objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of governments, organizations, groups, and individuals. Luckily for me,
I happen to know a current SEO with experience Banner Design in military psychological operations. Advertising Continue reading below JP Sherman, Director of Research at RedHat, completed his advanced Army training at Fort Bragg, the headquarters Banner Design of Special Operations. “Our motto was verbum vincent - Victory through words.” When asked why the job required him to be in the air, he explained that as a tactical PSYOP, his team jumped from planes in the conflict zone and placed loudspeakers over the sounds of tanks. ground game so that Banner Design anyone listening hear the tanks, locate the position and affect their movement. The tactic is known as "shaping the battlefield".
By controlling the narrative, his unit could control supply movements and draw in enemy fighters. Do you remember Seal Team 6? Did you know that teams 4 and 5 do not exist? Jumping forward in their naming pattern, enemy combatants would assume that there were two other teams still undetected. * The PSYOP process resembles an SEO workflow: Identify Banner Design audiences (target audience research). Create messages that speak to the language, culture and what drives them. Identify the media that will be most effective in reaching them. Create content that triggers an action or behavior. KPI measurement. Advertising Continue reading below Customization and the Echo Chamber of Biases SEO and PSYOP understand the same principles of leverage. Changing your Banner Design mind is hard, but it's easy to reinforce an existing narrative or turn an existing feeling into a stronger one. It's a matter of personalization. This valuable marketing tool is a cornerstone of search engines. It is also designed to reflect people's biases.